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Welcome to Lions!

Welcome to our Year 5/6 Lions class!

In our Lions class, Mrs. Palmer teaches on a Monday and a Tuesday and Wednesday and Miss Motion teaches on a Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Stewart will in class on a Wednesday

Miss Simmons, our Lions classroom assistant, will be support children in the classroom throughout the week.


This term, we will be doing swimming on a Monday afternoons.

Please can pupils remember their swimming costume, towel and swimming cap. 

(Caps can be purchased from the school for £1)

Our other PE lesson will be on Friday afternoon and this term we will be Health Related Exercise.

Please remember that on our PE days, children should come in to school wearing their PE kit  (there is no need to wear or send school uniform as they will be wearing their PE kit for the whole day.) 

Please remember: PE kit is a plain white T-shirt, hoodie, plain shorts/joggers and trainers. No football shirts. 

For safety, please ensure earrings are removed and long hair is tied back on both of these days. 

Thank you for your support with this.


Homework - Yr 6

These are the expectations we have upon our Yr. Six pupils in the Autumn term

1. Read every day and regularly complete the Accelerated Reader tests after each book that they read. Children are able to take these tests at home, following this link:

2. Practise their multiplication and division facts using Times Table Rockstars.

3. Practise the spelling/handwriting exercise that they bring home each week. 


Pupils will also receive either English or maths homework on an alternate weekly basis.

We would really appreciate your support in encouraging your child to complete these tasks regularly.



Please, if you have any questions or concerns, feel welcome to contact us, either through our Lions class Dojo messaging or:



Autumn 1 Medium term plan

Maths Curriculum Map - Year Five and Six

Our Lions Team....

Take a tour of the Lions classroom

Useful websites:  
