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Welcome to the Robins class!

Robins staff

Robins Classroom

Still image for this video

The Atrium (COOL area)

Still image for this video

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to school for Summer 1! :)


This year your teachers will be;

Miss Laflin - Monday - Friday

Mrs Hunter - Monday - Wednesday

Mrs Ingate - Thursday & Friday


This term we will be exploring a new text called 'Zeraffa Giraffa'. Please see the video link below to listen to the story!

We will be exploring poetry, practising writing in role and concentrating on our SPAG skills within our writing.

In PSHE, we are looking at our own bodies and being respectful of one another. In Science, we are refreshing our memories on Animals (including humans) and the 5 animal groups, looking at their habitats and diving deeper into our learning.

In RE, we will be looking at Christianity again and the Christian holy day of Pentecost. 

We will be doing DT this half term and designing and building a structure for transportation of Zeraffa Giraffa to Paris! 


A busy half term as always but lots of fun learning to look forward too! 


We will continue to use our lovely COOL (Choosing Our Own Learning) area to further extend learning, which provides lots of different opportunities for every child's individual interests - including Writing, Reading, Maths, Computing, Construction, Small World, Fine Motor, Investigation, Art, Sand and Water areas.



The following links will help support your child's learning this half term:


Keep updated on ClassDojo and Twitter for photos and pieces of work that we complete!

Spring 2 - Traction Man - Medium Term Plan



PE- Tuesday and Thursday. Please can your child come to school in their PE kit, also wearing suitable trainers or plimsoles. If it is warm then sun cream should be applied at home as lessons will be outdoors. School uniform is not needed on this day.


Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle every day and that your child's clothing is labelled so it doesn't get lost.


We will be setting weekly homework for your child; this will be a Maths and a Spelling based activity, along with reminders to access TTRockstars and read 3x weekly. All homework pieces will be set in your child's homework book and all tasks should be completed in there too. We would like them to bring this book back to school every Monday please, so we can check the homework has been done and then issue the next piece of homework for the week.

We are still asking that you read with your child 3x per week and to continue to record any reading sessions in your child's reading journal.


If you have any questions or messages please either email on our class email address which is or on Class Dojo. 
