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Week beginning 13.07.20

The Alchemist"s Letter

This week we would like you to have a look at this video and have a go at writing the narrative to go with it. Using descriptive language and a variety of grammar have a go at writing the story in your own words. You may use some of the speech from the video to help and there is an example below:
Remember to map out your story first. You can either use the template below to help with that or you can simply fold a piece of paper in 6. 

Writing this story should take you about 3 or 4 days if you spend about an hour working on it each day. Remember editing and improving your story is just as important as writing it the first time!


Things to remember;

- Use adjectives and adverbs to describe the characters and setting. 

- Use a wide range of vocabulary.

- If you use speech remember to use speech marks.

- Use a range of sentence lengths to make your work interesting and build suspense. 

- Check your punctuation and spelling once you have finished.

Extra challenge:

Have a go at writing out how the machine works. How does it process the memories? What chemical reaction happens to make things turn gold?
