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Week beginning 13th July

Summer Holiday Fitness Targets

The Summer holidays is nearly upon us and now is a great time to set yourself some Summer holiday fitness goals.  It hasn't been easy to keep fit over the past few months so now you have six weeks to get yourself fit and healthy.

Set yourself manageable targets that you will be able to keep to and achieve.

For example:

Daily mile

circuit of different reps. - 5 press-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20, star jumps - three times a week

Daily walk to park and back 

bike ride three times a week - set different routes

Set yourself manageable targets and start today!!!


Recommended goals for children

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that children ages 6 to 17 get 60 minutes or more of physical activity on most days of the week.

Most of those 60 or more minutes should be spent on aerobic activity.  Aerobic activity is movement that makes your heart beat faster and causes you to breathe faster.

At least three days a week, children should include activity that strengthens muscles. And at least three days a week, children should include activity that strengthens bones. Some activities strengthen both muscles and bones.

