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Week beginning 27.04.20

The year is 1953 and Jacqueline Auriol, the daughter-in-law of the French president is strapped into her jet plan about to create history.  This 7-minute film, told in Jacqueline’s own words is told through a series of flashbacks describing the events which allowed her to become the first European female to break the sound barrier.

Watch the film and think about/discuss;

  • Why do you think people want to do amazing things like break the speed barrier?
  • Do we know any other females who we would call heroes?
  • Who is your hero and why?
  • How does the film maker create different moods in the film?
  • Although the film is not in English did you still understand what was going on? How? Was it just the subtitles or did the music and body language also play a role? 


L'aviatrice - ESMA 2016 (English Subtitles)

This story is based on a real event. Jacqueline Auriol was French and lived from 1917-2000. She was the first French female pilot. We would like you to create a biography all about Jacqueline Auriol. Here are a few good examples of biographies: 

Here are some features of a biography you should include, a checklist to help when checking over your work and a mini-biography structure. If you are struggling then have a go and filling this out (it can be drawn out if you don't have a printer) and use that as a planning sheet. 

Extra challenge: 


If you are interested in female pioneers of the air then check out this amazing woman; Amelia Earhart. Watch the clip and complete any of the challenges laid out underneath.
