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School Street Initiative

School Street Update (January 2025)

It has been a long journey but I am pleased to announce that the permanent closure of Paul’s Road (via London Road) is underway!  I would like to thank Mrs Hopper and our Junior Road Safety Officers for their perseverance and commitment, which has finally paid off.  The barrier at Ranelagh Road will remain in place at school pick up and drop off times and access will continue to be restricted.  Pedestrians will need to be vigilant and use the path as vehicles will still be entering from Ranelagh Road end and will need to turn around.  By closing the road permanently, this will prevent it being used by motorists avoiding the traffic lights.   I would like to thank all of families for their continued support of the Safer Streets project.

School Street Update (January 2024)

Thanks to the hard work and perseverance of Mrs Hopper, our Young Road Safety Officers and the local community, we are pleased to announce that from January 4th 2024, Ranelagh Primary are the 1st School Street in Suffolk!

School Streets Initiative

We are aware that many parents/carers have raised concerns about the traffic on Pauls Road on numerous occasions and that the entry to Ranelagh Primary school is not always safe.


Working in partnership with Suffolk County Council, it has been proposed that there should be a permanent closure of the Pauls Road/London Road junction and the creation of a School Street (from London Road junction to Ranelagh Road junction).

The road will be permanently closed to all through traffic and the points of closure will be marshalled. Local businesses and their customers will be allowed full access to the area but will be requested to drive at walking speed when driving within the closure area. It is not necessary to move parked vehicles from the street. School Street will be under adult supervision and access will be always maintained for emergency services in all parts of the street.


Our School Streets aim to:

  • Reduce air pollution around our schools, making the air children breathe cleaner,

  • Protect children from the dangers of traffic at the school gate, prevent accidents and keep children safe,

  • Encourage families to walk and cycle to school, improving health and fitness.

As part of the consultation and trial period we will:

  • Consult with all local businesses,

  • Carry out surveys with parents, pupils and staff,

  • Install Clean Air monitors and introduce a clean air zone in the local area.


The “Ranelagh” School Street will prevent non-residential vehicle traffic from outside the zone from entering the School Street zones and travelling past schools during school start and finish times (term time only).


Parents will not be able to park on Pauls Road. Parking for parents has been arranged on a nearby site which is only a 2-minute walk from the main entrance (the Bingo car park).


Businesses located within the zone and their customers will be able to enter the area at any time, including restricted times.


Vehicles parked within the School Streets zone can exit the School Streets zone without penalty, at any time, even during the restricted period.

Prevent all vehicles entering Pauls Road that are not accessing local businesses, which prevents a popular shortcut for vehicles travelling between London Road and Ranelagh Road.


Provide more space outside the school. The area will be safer and reduce the risk of pedestrians being struck by a vehicle (marshals will alert pedestrians when a vehicle needs to travel down Pauls Road).


Improvements to air quality outside school as no vehicles will be running/idling their engines.


The scheme will require marshals to manage the incoming traffic. Fewer Marshals will be required to manage the school street, as the London Road junction will be permanently closed. To become a marshal volunteer: please email Mrs Hopper.


If you have any comments, questions or objections regarding this proposal, please contact Mrs Hopper in the first instance. If you still have concerns, you will be referred to Suffolk County Council’s School Streets scheme.


“Together we want to make the roads around our school safer, greener, and cleaner for everyone...”

Junior Road Safety Officers Ranelagh Primary School
