Ranelagh Nursery
Please see our Nursery Admissions Policy here
Starting school in Reception
All children are entitled to a full-time place in a Reception class at the beginning of the academic year (September) following their fourth birthday. The law makes it clear that if parents so choose they may defer full-time entry until later in the year – certainly no later than the term after the child’s fifth birthday (statutory school age). Whatever you decide, it is important that you apply for an place by the closing date of 15th January 2025.
You must make an application for a full-time place even if your child is already attending our nursery class as a place in our nursery does not guarantee your child a full-time place at that school.
Currently, our published admission number (the number of children we are allowed in each reception year group) is 45.
For all other year groups, including in-year applications
Our selection and over subscription criteria are all governed by the local authority admissions team. Currently, our published admission number (the number of children we are allowed in each year group) is 45.
If you have any queries, please contact the admissions team on 0845 600 0981 or follow the link below.
For children moving from Year 6 to secondary school
You must apply for a secondary school place for the 2025/2026 school year by the closing date of 31 October 2024.