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Young Carers


Suffolk Family Carers is an established charity, helping family carers of all ages across Suffolk get the support they need to live fuller lives.


For over 30 years, we have provided information, advice and support to thousands of family carers. Our credible representation of family carers’ needs and our valued work in supporting family carers enables us to campaign on issues that affect family carers to ensure their voice is heard. We will keep driving change across society to enable family carers to have a life of their own alongside their caring role.


Caring is such an important part of life. It’s simply part of being human. Carers are holding families together, enabling loved ones to get the most out of life, making an enormous contribution to society and saving the economy billions of pounds.


Our vision

Working together to ensure family carers are visible, valued, supported and connected.


How we can help

Our team of experienced and knowledgeable advisers can offer:

  • One to one catch ups to provide wellbeing support
  • Opportunities to meet other carers and have a break from their caring role
  • Workshops and programmes to build confidence and life skills
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme
  • Advice and support in school
  • Condition-specific information to increase understanding and reduce worry
  • Advocacy when their voice needs to be heard
  • Signposting to other relevant agencies

We endeavour to support young people through crucial points of their life whether this is deciding on further or higher education or employment, or choices about independence.

“The young people we work with say: “The advisers are very friendly and give you useful advice and information that will make you feel more happy and confident when speaking to others. Plus it’s a great way to make new friends who are in the same situations as yourself. It’s a great way to have a break from home.”

Our representative at Ranelagh Primary school is Sue Henry.


If you would like to know more about Suffolk Young Carers then please talk to Mrs Sunderland who would be happy to talk to you. Suffolk Young Carers are currently supporting may young people in our school. 
