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Our staff understand that our children come from a variety of backgrounds. They are aware that many of our children have English as an additional language, that we have children from a variety of ethnic minority backgrounds and various religions and that the percentage of children from disadvantaged backgrounds is above National figures. Although the number of children with SEND is in line with National figures, many of our children begin their journey at Ranelagh from below average starting points.  We recognise that the majority of our children come from our close locality and that our mobility is increasing.  With these facts in mind, our curriculum needs to embrace varying viewpoints and beliefs, encourage debate and discussion, be based on a global dimension, give children a good basic skill set and equip them for life and learning beyond Ranelagh.


At Ranelagh, we do not do something because ‘that’s what we’ve always done’ or because ‘that’s what everyone else is doing’. We do it because we believe there is a better way; a more effective way; that will make a greater impact on the lives of our children. Our aim is to meet the needs of our children, helping them realise their potential and move with confidence into the next stage of their lives.  We strive to be a vibrant, creative and caring school, proudly reflecting the diversity of our community. Our intent is to design a curriculum which engages, excites and encourages a love of learning.


We believe that children learn best:

● through hands on experience

● in a positive learning environment

● when curriculum content is cohesive and developed around an exciting theme

● where all subjects are valued

● where social, emotional and physical needs are supported


At Ranelagh,​ ​we have designed our curriculum with childrens’ learning at the centre. We recognise that a curriculum has to be broad, balanced and offer our children opportunities to grow and make progress as individuals, as well as learners, from whatever their starting points may be. Our curriculum recognises children’s prior learning and builds progressively upon their knowledge and skills, whilst ensuring coverage of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014.  Our children are taught in mixed age classes so our curriculum is designed over a two-year cycle.  We enrich our curriculum through themed days, visits, visitors and a range of extra-curricular clubs. 

We want every child’s Ranelagh journey to provide a platform to build self-esteem, confidence and the skills to aspire and succeed in life. We use our Ranelagh Values (Caring ,Curious, Happy, Resilient, Resourceful) in tandem with our curriculum.  We actively promote British values to ensure children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.  Community involvement is an integral part of our curriculum; we are all learners and learn from each other by sharing our values, experiences, knowledge and skills.




You can find out more about our curriculum in our curriculum Policy and related documents on our policy page.

For further information on the coverage of our curriculum, please see the documents below.  As we follow a 2-year cycle, in 2024-25 we are following cycle 2. 

You can also find out more about our curriculum by looking at the subject pages or the children's class pages (see the link below).
