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Road Safety

Our Junior Road Safety Officers 2023-2024

Term One-

We were so very busy in term one! Getting to know our new team, doing our first assembly, holding our first competition and more Road Safety awareness during Road Safety Week.

It all started with a Road Safety assembly. It helped us to spread our messages about road safety.

We then introduced our first competition: Road Safety Poster. It ran for a week where every child was given the opportunity to design a bike helmet and submit it to a member of the JRSO team.


Our next task was Road Safety Week itself. We led an assembly where we explained what Road Safety is, and then we began sharing our messages. We all loved speaking, showing slides and answering questions in front of the whole school! In this assembly, we announced the winners of the competition. We collected more than 38 posters/ ideas!

Below are the winning designs!

We presented all the children who took part in the competition with some presents and certificates. 

Walk to school week November 2023

Road Safety Week competition

We learned a new song for Christmas... Every one loves it! Sing along with us!!!

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Still image for this video

We are pleased to announce that our JRSOs have managed to achieve a gold award in 2022!
