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Welcome to Dolphins

Class teachers

Support staff

Important Reminders


- Our PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday. Children are expected to come to school in their PE kits on these days. They do not need to bring their school uniform, they can wear their PE kit for the duration of the day. Long sleeved trousers and a hoodie/jacket is strongly advised as the weather gets colder. Also, jewelry is not permitted during PE and all long hair should be tied up. 


Learning at home

-Homework and spellings

Spellings will be given out every Friday and a spelling test at school will take place the following Friday.

Times tables practice will be given out every Friday and a test at school will take place the following Friday.

Along with the spellings, a homework task will be given out on a Friday but is expected to be handed in by the following Wednesday to allow time for their work to be looked at. This homework task will alternate between a maths, English or topic based task.


- TT Rockstars at least 3 times per week (at least 10 minutes each time).

This is extremely important in improving their times tables knowledge and great practice for the national times table test that every year 4 will be taking in the Summer term. The website to access this is:

Children should be aware of their logins for this - if unsure please contact the class teacher.

There will be regular battles between classes/year groups so please encourage your child to join in.


- Reading at least 3 times per week.

This should be recorded in their reading journals - either by the children or by parents/guardians. The teacher will check these on a Friday.

We use 'Accelerated Reader' where the children read their book and then quiz online. If children finish their books at home, they can access the quiz by following the link below. Children will then be given the opportunity to change their books the next day in school.


Username - The first letter of your child's first name, followed by the first 4 letters of their surname (no spaces).

Password - abc


If you have any questions please contact me via Class Dojo or email:




Autumn 1


Welcome back!


We are starting the academic year with a brilliant book called 'Ug'. This is a comic strip book which has fantastic illustrations and is all about a boy living in the stone age. This book will help us link into other areas of the curriculum such as in DT we will looking at the area textiles and making Ug a pair of trousers and in History we will be studying the changes in Britain from the stone age to the Iron age.


Other areas of the curriculum includes Science, where we will be learning about nutrition, the skeleton, muscles and teeth, in which we will do this in a practical way with fun science experiments. In maths, we will be recapping on our previous knowledge of place value and the four operations and then building on this. Year 3's will be working on using and applying three digit numbers whereas the year 4's will be working on using and applying four digit numbers.


We aim to round our learning of our stone age topic with an off timetable immersive stone age day at the end of the half-term where the children will get the opportunity to come in dressed in a stone age inspired outfit and round off their learning in a practical way.




What we are learning in Autumn 1...
