Important Reminders
- Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Children are expected to come to school in their PE kits on these days. They do not need to bring their school uniform, they can wear their PE kit for the duration of the day. As outdoor PE is likely, long sleeved trousers and a hoodie/jacket is strongly advised as the weather gets colder. Also, jewellery is not permitted during PE and all long hair should be tied up.
Learning at home
-Homework and spellings
Spellings will be given out every Thursday and a spelling test at school will take place the following Thursday.
Times tables practice will be given out every Friday and a test will at school will take place the following Friday.
A homework task will be given out on a Friday but is expected to be handed in by the following Wednesday to allow time for their work to be looked at. This homework task will alternate between a maths, English or topic based task.
- TT Rockstars at least 3 times per week (at least 10 minutes each time).
This is extremely important in improving their times tables knowledge and great practice for the national times table test that every year 4 will be taking in the Summer term.. The website to access this is:
Children should be aware of their logins for this - if unsure please contact the class teacher.
- Reading at least 3 times per week.
This should be recorded in their reading journals - either by the children or by parents/guardians. The teacher will check these on a Friday - children will have them open on their desks to reduce contact.
We use 'Accelerated Reader' where the children read their book and then quiz online. If children finish their books at home, they can access the quiz by following the link below. Children will then be given the opportunity to change their books the next day in school.
Username - The first letter of your child's first name, followed by the first 4 letters of their surname (no spaces).
Password - abc
If you have any questions please contact me via Class Dojo or email:
Spring 1
Happy new year!
We are starting the brand new year with a brilliant book called 'Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf'. This is a powerful and highly imaginative novel, full of creation and curiosity. This book will allow the children to build up to writing their own descriptive writing pieces as well as writing scripts.
Other areas of the curriculum includes RSHE, where we will be learning about nutrition, healthy eating and physical health ands fitness. This also links in with science, where we will then be grouping animals into different categories and classifying them. In maths, we will be continuing with our work on multiplication and division, building on to formal methods of working out bigger number problems for these operations.
In addition to all of the above, this half term we have numerous workshops planned. Year 3's have an exciting ball run workshop working on team building and problem solving skills. Year 4's have a creative writing workshop, given them the opportunity to write freely and for pleasure. Lastly, to link in with our RSHE topic, we have a visitor coming in to teach the children about oral health.
Our Classroom