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Monday 1.2.21

Phonics- Year One.

Today's new sound is er- like mixer.

Please watch this video and talk about words that have the sound 'er' in. Most of the time, we can hear this sound at the end of words.

Can you write a list of words that have the 'er' sound in and then draw pictures of the things you have thought of, or use them in sentences.

Grammar 1.2.21

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Grammar part 2

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English 1.2.21

Part 1- LO: I am learning to order a story

Re watch The Little Red Riding Hood and order the sentences that are in the wrong order. You can print and cut them up, write them in the correct order or number them. An adult can help you read the sentences or read it out loud when you have finished so you can check the order makes sense.


Part 2- LO: I am learning to answer questions about a text.

Once you have ordered the story, use the text (or for an easier challenge use the video) to answer the following questions. There are 2 challenges for the comprehension. If you are confident at reading, choose challenge 2. 


Part 1- ordering the text

Part 2- comprehension

Maths Part 1- 01.02.21
Please use this video to introduce your child to using Arrays. We use arrays to help us work out the answers to multiplication sums.

Maths Part 2

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LO: To solve one step problems involving multiplication
Success Criteria:
1. I can read number sentences which use the X symbol for multiplication
2. I understand that if I reverse multiplication sum, I will find the same answer
3. I can use arrays to solve multiplication problems

Maths Part 3

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LO: To solve one step problems involving multiplication
Success Criteria:
1. I can read number sentences which use the X symbol for multiplication
2. I understand that if I reverse multiplication sum, I will find the same answer
3. I can use arrays to solve multiplication problems

01.02.21 PSHE - Express Yourself

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