We will be returning to our usual school times 8.55am to 3.05pm(EYFS), 3.10pm (KS1) and 3.15pm (KS2)
As the majority of parents preferred new drop off procedures, we will continue opening phase/ year group entrances. Gates will open at 8.40am and close promptly at 8.55am for the following:
EYFS (Nursery and Reception) Use entrance number 1 (Main pedestrian gate - Paul’s Road)
Year 1 and 2 – Use entrance number 2 (Delivery door - Paul’s Road)
Year 3 and 4 – Use entrance number 3 (Main office - Paul’s Road)
Year 5 and 6 – Use entrance number 4 (Between MacDonald’s and the car park) Ranelagh Road
Pupils will need to sanitise their hands on entry.
School will start and registers will be taken at 8.55am. If your child arrives later than 8.55am, they will receive a late mark in the register (unless this is agreed as part of a part-time timetable).
If a parent wishes to speak to the school office we would politely request that wait until 8.55am or the end of the day.
The main school gate (entrance 1) will be opened at 3.00pm. Please do not arrive earlier than this as it will cause an obstruction or queues on the pavements outside of the school.
Key stages will be dismissed at staggered intervals (as they were prior to covid restrictons) on to the playground:
3.05pm - Reception (from door by the access slope that leads to Reception corridor)
3.10pm - Years 1 and 2 (from double door by the steps in the playground or slope that leads to Woodpeckers classroom)
3.15pm – Years 3 and 4 (from double door by the steps in the playground or slope that leads to Woodpeckers classroom)
3.15pm - Years 5 and 6 (At the bottom of the playground where the map of the world is)
Once your child(ren) has been collected, you can leave the school via the entrance you arrived at. There will be no one-way system.
Some families may prefer to use the Ranelagh Road exit via the playground and out on to Ranelagh Road (Year 5 and 6 entrance); this gate will be open should this route suit you better.
If you have a child in Year 5 or 6 and you would like them to walk home alone, please send your child to school with a letter that they can give to their class teacher. Children walking home alone will be released at 3.15pm via the Ranelagh Road entrance.
The main gate and Ranelagh Road exit will close promptly at 3.25pm.
The government has removed the requirement to wear face coverings in law but expects and recommends that they are worn in enclosed and crowded spaces where you may come into contact with people you don’t normally meet. Face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors either in classrooms or in communal areas. If parents or staff wish to continue to wear a face covering they may do so but as a school we will not insist on this on drop off/ collection.
Yes. Children in Years 1 to 6 should return to school on Friday 3rd September 2021. Nursery and Reception children have been contacted separately with their start dates.
If your child is in Year 5 or 6 they are able to bring bikes or scooters into school. They will need to be responsible for locking their bike or scooter in the bike shed on the school playground (which can be accessed via the Year 5 and 6 entrance and the playground).