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UKS2 (Years 5 and 6)

Year 5/6 Home Learning Expectations

Each day, learning will be uploaded onto the school website.

Children ,  Home Learning ,  UKS2, Panthers

Expectations for each day;

  • 1x Maths lesson (tasks will often be directed to the text books you will collect from school).
  • 1x English lesson (tasks will often be directed to the text books you will collect from school).
  • 1x Guided Reading
  • Afternoon subject/s e.g. Science, PE, History
  • 15 minutes of TTRockstars per day.
  • 15 minutes of Reading each day (these could be online texts that can be found here or books you have at home – sometimes a reading activity will be uploaded into your daily folder), remember to take the Acelerated Reader test when you have finished a book.


You will find all of the year 5/6 learning in the folder named Panthers.

If your child is finding any of the tasks set difficult, please contact your teacher through the class email address, they will then organise a Google Meet to talk through the learning with your child.


We are more than happy to offer tailored support according to your child's individual needs.

High School transition information
Previous work 2020
English Activities