Week beginning 14.7.20
Topic Tuesday – What’s in the News?
For today’s activity we’d like you to turn reporter! First of all head to the news round website and see what the latest news is…
Once you have watched and read some news choose a story and your job is to write your own newspaper article about it.
There is a template below if you’d like to use that to help you set it out!
Topic Tuesday – Famous Romans
This term our topic would have been the Romans so this week we’re setting you the challenge of finding out about some famous Romans.
This video clip will introduce you to some of the Roman emporers…
Once you have done a bit of research you can present your information however you like. How about a PowerPoint or a video presentation or a fact file? The choice is yours!
Enjoy researching. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Week beginning 29.6.20
Topic Tuesday – The Rainforest
Did you know that the Amazon is the biggest rainforest in the world?
You can find out about it here…
More than half of the world’s species of plants and animals are found in the rainforests. From monkeys to spiders, rainforests are teeming with life. We would like you to find out a bit more about these animals.
Now can you:
Week beginning 22.6.20
Topic Tuesday – Animals
This week we are thinking about animals!
What is your favourite animal? Do you know what they need to stay healthy? Have you heard of the RSPCA? They do fantastic work for animals. You can find out about them here…
We would also like you to think about habitats. Can you do a bit of research to find out about the habitat of your favourite animal? Once you’ve researched make a poster that gives us the information. Think about where your animal would get shelter, food and drink from and include these sort of details in your design.
Happy creating.
Week beginning 15.6.20
Topic Tuesday – Space
We know lots of you love space so let’s learn about the planets today.
Firstly watch this…
Now let’s create a pocket solar system. This video will show you how. You can also download the pdf at the bottom for a step by step guide.
You might even like to do a bit more research and present in on a poster or powerpoint?
Happy creating.
Week beginning 8.6.20
Topic Tuesday – Our Local Area
Estimating challenge
We can use angles and length to estimate the height of trees near our houses.
Can you…
Estimate the height of a tree in your local area? You can do this by, walking away from the tree until the top of the tree is at approximately a 45 degree angle from your eye height. Add your distance from the tree to your eye height to estimate its height!
You could also use this method to estimate the height of lamposts.
Can you take some photos? Don’t forget to share them with us!
Week beginning 1.6.20
Daily Challenge
Topic Tuesday – Our Local Area
Estimating challenge
We love looking for maths all around us, especially during walks and exercise or out of our windows.
Can you…
Go on a walk to the local park and estimate how many daisys or dandelions you think there are? What area of ground do you think they cover?
Week beginning 18.5.20
Topic Tuesday – Our Local Area
Model Challenge
Think of a landmark from our local area. It could be your house, the orwell bridge, portman road etc
Designing and building models is the perfect opportunity to think about our local area whilst using your measuring sand |DT skills.
Can you…
Design and build a model using any materials you have in your house?
How tall is your model? What shapes have you used?
Don’t forget to share your photos with us?
Week beginning 11.5.20
Topic Tuesday - Our Local Area
Pattern challenge
We love looking for patterns all around us. It's amazing how many patterns we can spot around the house or just outside.
Look at the patterns inside these objects, can you describe the patterns?
Now perhaps you could go outside and collect some objects. perhaps leaves, pebbles or twigs. Make your own pattern in a circle or a spiral using the items.
Can you draw or photograph the pattern you have made? Don't forget to share your photos or drawings!
Week beginning 4.5.20
Topic Tuesday – Our Local Area
Google Earth Challenge
Use a computer or a phone to go into Google earth then see if you can do the following challenges…
Week beginning 27.04.20
Our Local Area
Drawing a map is a good way to consider scale and the shape of buildings and streets
from a bird’s eye view.
Can you make a map of your street or local area?
Can you write directions for a route around your map? You could then follow your map on your daily walk.
We can’t wait to see your maps!