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Week beginning 6.07.20

Have you got what it takes to be a Millionaire?

This week’s challenge is all about making money!

Calculate the amounts in each choice and then select the largest amount.

Show in your jottings how you worked out each answer.







Would you rather….

1. Envelope A         or      Envelope B?






2. 15 twenty pound notes     or   

25 ten pound notes?

3. 6 bags, each containing 249 pound coins  or  

2 bags, each containing 599 pound coins?

4. A bag of 450 ten pence coins        or     4 ten pound notes?

5. A bag of 300 50p coins or an envelope containing 2 50 pound notes?







8.Be given 10% of £5.00 or 75% of 80p?


 Extension Challenge:

9. 120 gold bars, each worth £350 or 55 gold bars, each worth £850?




10.  Two thirds of £12,636 or three quarters of £10,842?


11. Two suitcases of money, each containing £16,820 worth of £5 notes, or an envelope containing 700 £50 notes?


12. A 20cm high pile of £10 notes, or a 40cm high pile of £5 notes?






