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Week beginning 22.06.20

How to make a green omelet

To go with 'Green Eggs and Ham' in our English work this week, we would love you to have a go at making some green eggs! Remember to take photgraphs/film the process to send to us!


Reagents and equip­ment

  • eggs;
  • red cab­bage;
  • salt;
  • pep­per;
  • bowl;
  • fry­ing pan;
  • stove.


Step-by-step in­struc­tions

Dice some red cab­bage and trans­fer to a 1L beaker. Im­merse in hot wa­ter and let cool. Fil­ter the mix­ture. Break and sep­a­rate a few eggs. Add the red cab­bage juice to the egg whites. The egg whites turn bluish-green. Pour the mix­ture into a pre­heat­ed fry­ing pan and add salt and pep­per to taste. The fried eggs turn out green, but smell and taste quite good!


Process de­scrip­tion

Aque­ous so­lu­tions can be neu­tral, al­ka­line, or acidic.

Red cab­bage juice has an in­ter­est­ing fea­ture – it con­tains an­tho­cyanins, which change col­or de­pend­ing on the acid­i­ty of their medi­um. Ini­tial­ly, in a neu­tral medi­um, cab­bage juice has a pur­ple-crim­son col­or. When the cab­bage juice is added to the bowl of egg whites, the mix­ture turns green, as egg whites are an al­ka­line medi­um. The pH re­mains un­changed dur­ing the cook­ing process, and the eggs stay green.

Dr. Seuss Green Eggs Experiment

See how Yuvan did his experiment this week:
