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Uniform and Resources

What should my child wear to school?

As of September, children are expected to wear full uniform, including school shoes, except for days that they have a PE lesson (see below). Full details can be found on our website here.


Children are still likely to be learning outdoors more so will need a warm, showerproof coat.


Classroom windows will be open so please make sure children have a green sweatshirt or cardigan.


As the majority of parents (and staff) preferred sending children to school in PE kit (on days when children have PE lessons) we will continue to do this.


The class teacher will let you know when your child’s PE days are.  They should wear black shorts, a white T-shirt, tracksuit trousers, trainers and a sweatshirt.


It is helpful if you can send your child into school with a pair of plimsolls or old trainers that they can keep in school for when they do the daily mile or if they want to change their shoes at play/lunchtimes.


We hope to resume swimming lessons in September for UKS2 – we will write to parents separately when we know dates.


ALL items of clothing MUST be clearly named.


What can / cannot my child bring to school?

Your child can bring:

  • Coat and other winter clothing
  • Trainers/ plimsolls to be kept at school
  • Sun cream/Sun hat if the weather is warm
  • Book bag with library / reading scheme / own book
  • Packed lunch
  • Water bottle (no juice / squash) - preferably in lunch box, book bag or rucksack (to enable “hands-free entry” for sanitising). 
  • Snack (KS2 only)
  • Mobile phone (UKS2 only – these must be handed in on arrival to the class teacher)
  • Musical instrument (for lessons only)
  • Things to show the teacher / class
  • Their own stationery
  • In KS2 a small rucksack is permitted but only if needed.


Your child cannot bring:

  • Any toys, teddies, games or swapping cards (this includes fidget toys – unless agreed with SENDCo).


