Tuesday 21st April
Maths - Today we challenge you to create your own dice or card game. This could be a game for one person or a game that you can play against someone else. One you have created your game, try to teach someone else to play.
English - How have you been entertaining yourself since the schools have been closed? What are your favourite activities to keep you busy? Can you create your own booklet to help others pass the time?
Thursday 23.04.20
Today will be a 'make it' day. We thought it would be fun to have a day where we just focus on making things. There are lots of ideas here to give you inspiration, so why not have a look at some of our ideas and recipes below and don't forget to send us some photographs of what you have made.
Things to make.
Why not try some junk modelling or making your own salt dough, here are a few ideas of what you could make.
Friday 24.04.20
We hope you are all well and making the most of being home.
In English today we would like to to write about all the things that you have learnt and enjoyed whilst being at home.
You can present this in a diary type entry, a poem or a recount - it's up to you.
Today in maths we will be having a look at a really fun maths activity. Below you will see a blank, numbered, circle. You are going to investigate patterns in circles, just like this one.
Joining the dots in a circle can give you a range of different patterns. Look at the circle below and try joining every other dot or every fourth dot - you will get different patterns like the one above. Remember to use a ruler to join the dots (or you can do it using word on the computer) and always start from the top dot. Have fun.
Don't forget you can still go back and look at previous activities and complete these, if you didn't get round to them before, and remember to share photographs of what you do.