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This week it is Children's mental health week. We will be doing some activities in music and PSHE with the theme' Express yourself', with the aim trying to boost children's mental wellbeing.

This weeks song is called 'Express yourself by Labrinth'

First of all listen to the song and have a think about the following questions:


How does the song make you feel?

What instruments can you hear?

Do you like the song? Explain why.

What is the song about?

What do you think is the overall message of the song?


Write the answers to the questions above down.


Labrinth- Express Yourself

As this song is all about expressing yourself it is down to you with how you want to preform this piece. There are some ideas below:


  • Express yourself through song- Learn and sing the song (this could be apart of the song  such as the chorus or the whole song)
  • Express yourself through dance- You could perform a freestyle dance piece to the song.
  • Express yourself through writing- You could rewrite a verse of the song, all about you and how you express yourself and the things you are good at.
  • Express yourself through art- You could draw a picture of your interpretation of the song- what you think the song is about and could link this to yourself.
  • Express yourself through music- You could use household items to make an instrument (for example a drum) and then use this when performing the song.


If you are confident enough we would love to see your performances, so if possible please send your performances to the class teacher.




If you are unsure of what to do or just want to laugh at your teachers then watch the videos below!

Still image for this video


Still image for this video