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Wednesday 24.02.21

PSHE Part 1

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LO: How am I safe when using the internet
Success Criteria:
To understand that there are rules about staying safe when using the internet
To talk about how to stay safe when using the internet
To acknowledge the rules that they are already following

PSHE Part 2

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With the story and the Internet Safety rules in mind, I would like you to make a poster all about how you make sure that you are safe online.
You can draw pictures and use words and sentences to write about how to be sure that it is safe, when playing games or watching videos online.
Please send the finished posters to me so I can see the rules you follow at home and give Dojo points for any excellent safety that I know is taking place!

24.2.21 Maths part 1

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24.2.21 Maths part 2

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24.2.21 Phonics 

LO: I am learning to write CVCC words


Use the picture clues and the letters underneath to write the missing CVCC words. Remember the V stands for vowel and will be either an a,e,i,o or u.

For an extra challenge, apply these words into statements or questions using correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops or question marks)

24.02.21 English

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24.02.21 Grammar - Year 2

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Watch the video and remember to use your capital letters and full stops in today's activity!
After the activity look at this website to recap what a compound word is, take a quiz and choose pictures to build a word: