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Welcome to Tigers! 





Welcome to our Year 5/6 Tigers class!


This term, we will be doing Netball on a Monday afternoons.  Our other PE lesson will be on Wednesday afternoon and this term it will be Athletics, this will be taught by Mr Bolton.

Please remember that on our PE days, children should come in to school wearing their PE kit  (there is no need to wear or send school uniform as they will be wearing their PE kit for the whole day.) 

Please remember: PE kit is a plain white T-shirt, hoodie, plain shorts/joggers and trainers. No football shirts. 

For safety, please ensure earrings are removed and long hair is tied back on both of these days. 


We are all looking forward to a very successful year with our class.

Please, if you have any questions or worries do not hesitate to contact us on the class email or on Class Dojo!

Tigers staff:

Our Classroom

What we are learning in Spring 1:


Weekly homework will be sent home each Wednesday/ Thursday and this should be completed and handed in no later than the following Wednesday.


In addition, we are requesting for Year 5/6 classes to:

1. Read every day and regularly complete the Accelerated Reader tests after each book that they read. Children are able to take these tests at home, following this link:

Please record any reading at home in their red reading logs

2. Practise their multiplication and division using Times Table Rockstars.

3. Practise the handwriting exercise that they bring home each week. 

4. Practise their spellings - these will be given out on a Friday and tested on the following Friday. 


Useful Websites


AR Reading Test site:


TT Rockstars:

A really useful site to help practise multiplication tables and much more.


Maths is Fun:

A site that explains some of the processes in maths.


BBC Bitesize

Really good site for looking at all subjects taught in Key Stage 2.
