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Welcome to the Robins class!

Robins staff

Our Amazing Learning Environment


Please find photos below of our learning environment including photos of inside the Robin's classroom, the Atrium (our continuous provision space attached to our classroom) and of our outdoor area. 

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to school for Spring 1 in the Robins class! :)


This year your teachers will be;

Miss Laflin - Monday - Friday

Mrs Ingate - Monday - Wednesday

Miss Palmer - Thursday & Friday



This term we will be exploring a new text called 'The Story Tree'. In English, we will be looking in depth at the Norwegian story of the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We will retell the story and write it in our own words and then will look at other traditional tales from around the world.


In Maths, we will be continuing to look at money, adding together totals and giving change. We will then move onto multiplication and division, using different equipment and methods to solve number problems.


During our Science lessons, we will be looking at plants. This will include exploring parts of a plant, the different things plants need to grow and observing plants changing from seeds/bulbs overtime.


In Geography, we are learning about the world, specifically the UK, the different continents and the oceans we are surrounded by.


In PE, we will be exploring football skills, including dribbling, defending and developing our aim. With Mr Bolton, we will be doing gymnastics, working on our balance and coordination both on the floor and on the apparatus.


In Art, we will be looking at print making. We will choose different materials to explore printing and patterns.


In PSHE we are learning about people who help us and how we can keep ourselves safe.


In Computing we will be looking at how to create algorithms to control a robot (using the Bee Bots!).


Lastly in RE, we are looking at the religion Islam and our question to explore is 'How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful?


We will use our lovely COOL (Choosing Our Own Learning) area to further extend learning (both indoors and outdoors), which provides lots of different opportunities for every child's individual interests - including Writing, Reading, Maths, Computing, Construction, Small World, Fine Motor, Investigation, Art, Sand and Water areas.



The following links will help support your child's learning this half term:


Keep updated on ClassDojo and Twitter for photos and pieces of work that we complete!


Need help connecting to our class on DoJo? Follow the link below;


Robins class dojo

Spring 1 - The Story Tree - Medium Term Plan



Please ensure that you child has a water bottle every day and any of their belongings are named.


Please try to read with your child everyday (at least 3x per week) and record any reading sessions in your child's reading journal. This can just be a date and a signature. Your child will be entered into a half termly raffle every time they read 3x a week so please remember to record any reading in their journal to maximise their chances of winning a voucher/book!


Ensure homework is completed each week and the homework book is in your child's book bag to be collected in every Monday.


Please also encourage your child to access TTRockstars 3x per week (for 10 - 15 minutes a time). This will have a great impact on their times tables recall.


PE kit to be worn on Thursday and Friday. 

Thank you 


If you have any questions or messages please either email on our class email address which is or on Class Dojo. 
